Category Archives: Clinical Consideration

Common or concerning issues that come to my offices day by day

Food Allergies and Immunity

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In my never ending quest to better understand tummy troubles and belly pain, I have been spending a lot of time reading and researching food allergies. I recently (2018) did a course on allergy testing: the science behind the tests, administration and interpretation. It was a nerd fest 🤓!!! My mind is still buzzing. What is the true definition of an “Allergy”. Why do we outgrow many and yet others are dangerously life long afflictions? How do the immune cells of the skin interact with the immune cells of the gut, both are “external” surfaces, do they communicate and teach each other?

The immune system is so complex and diverse, I doubt we humans will ever truly understand the multiple, symbiotic worlds of organisms that we carry around on and in ourselves every day.

This article touches on the possibility that

“The immune system is more than just a defense system, and antibodies are more than just defense weapons”

We often hear about “good bacteria” but here we are discovering “friendly” antibodies may be essential to that relationship. So much to learn! Enjoy this short piece, click the link here:

A gut bacterium’s guide to building a microbiome.

Belly vs Brain: who’s in charge here?

I am intrigued by the relationship between the gut and the brain. This study that demonstrates outright behaviour changes is one example of our slowly growing understanding:
CBC News – Gut feeling: How intestinal bacteria may influence our moods

Even good old serotonin is now understood to be mostly produced by our ever-present friendly gut bacteria:
Microbes Help Produce Serotonin in Gut Medicine, nutrition and psychology are intimately intwined. Traditional means of understanding and teaching these disciplines will soon change forever.

Technology and health. I love where this is going! Constipation and GERD affect many Jamaican kids.

Is there a new tool coming to the tool-box for those children who don’t respond to diet, behavior change and current options for medication?

Magnetically applied MicroRNAs could one day help relieve constipation: Micro metal beads and magnets help deliver a biologic where it’s needed to improve constipation or rectoanal incontinence in animal models of the disorders. — ScienceDaily–+ScienceDaily%29


Fermented foods

reuben sandwich

In med school my close friend and study partner always had yogurt culture at home. I was spoilt by the creamy deliciousness of this “real” live food. NOTHING  from a store tastes the same.

In recent times as I read all I can find about gut science I see more and more articles singing the praises of fermented foods. Everything from acne to constipation has allegedly been cured by the Lactobacilli that thrive in these foods. I’ve decide to try my hand at homemade sauerkraut. I will keep you posted!

Does anyone make their own yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha or kimchi? That’s a lot of Ks. Have you seen anything for sale in Kingston? Are there any mommies out there who found a fermented food made things better for their little ones tummy troubles? Please share your tips and discoveries.

LINK 1: Why you should eat more fermented foods

LINK 2: How to make a jar of sauerkraut for the beginner or skeptic.

Eat your veggies!

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The fruits-and-veggies, peas, beans, and grain you eat today might save your grandchildren from a fecal transplant.

One of the main roles of fibre is to support the “good” bacteria living in our colon. These bacteria are working to keep YOU alive. Now try explaining that to your kids, or where absolutely necessary, sneak those veggies in!

Check out THIS link for some food science.

Fecal Transplantation Can Be a Potential Obesity Prevention Method

I truly believe that modifications of the gut mictobiota can treat many illnesses; gastrointestinal and otherwise.
Keep on testing, trying and supporting the cause. #foodismedicine

Conversation with gut microbes

Here’s an Interesting article about how bacteria “speak” to each other. Sometimes we humans need to shut up and listen.

Small talk with big potential: Bacterial conversation counteracts antibiotic damage — ScienceDaily–+ScienceDaily%29

From Dirt to Antibiotics, exciting times ahead

Thinking outside-the-box; innovation; using simple everyday things in a totally different way. We already have everything we need.

NYTimes: From a Pile of Dirt, Hope for a Powerful New Antibiotic

MUST READ! Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Dr. Ada Igonoh survived #Ebola, this is her story.
I pray for the volunteers and all those who help despite the tremendous personal danger they face.

Our Caribbean Teens and Legalizing Weed

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I used to believe marijuana was a gateway drug. I’m learning a lot more now, I no longer hold that view.

Addiction is a disease that starts in adolescence, industries know they have to focus on young people for profits. After all, if you don’t start using any drug by age 21, you are unlikely ever to do so.

There has been a lot of focus on the benefits of legalizing marijuana. Can we as a Caribbean region quantify the risks associated with legally available Weed? Adolescents are at high risk of exposure and confusion about the dangers of smoking ganja in a legalized environment. Weed brownies, candy ganja, many marketing strategies make children their prime targets.

There has been a lot of talk about pot lately. Discussions of tax revenue, health benefits, violence reduction, and individual liberty. But one issue got completely lost: the developing brains of our children.

Read more of what Patrick Kennedy has to say on the matter: Legalizing pot endangers children